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Girl Meets Boy (Dona's Story)

              Have you ever felt in love? How does it feel? Of course the feeling of being happy is always present, always curious about him, where he is, what he is, and certainly wants to see him.This time I will tell a novel entitled "Girl meets Boy" by Derek Strange. The meeting began on the boat, when Dona vacationed with her family. Mark, is a man who thrills his heart and makes him think constantly. In chapter I, I will tell you about Dona's Story, follow the next story titled Mark's story ... happy reading :)


Hasil gambar untuk gambar dona story girl meet boy

During the holiday period Dona and her family are on holiday to Spain. Dona and her family boarded a boat. In the morning Dona and her sister Louis were standing enjoying the blowing wind, seeing the sea water, birds near a small boat and boat nearby. Suddenly there were three men talking, laughing and making noise. Dona's gaze turned to them, she saw a tall, blue-eyed man wearing a blue and white shirt, he looked attractive. "Wow he's lovely" she thought. Among the two men who accompanied one of them was his brother, he had the same blue eyes, the same short hair, but the difference was that his brother was very noisy with his friend, he was just quiet and calm. Suddenly he looked at Dona giving a smile to Dona "her smile was very sweet with shy blue eyes" She thought.

Slowly land the boat through the water to Spain. A today and a tonight we are on the same boat. "I hope to meet him again before arriving there." This boat is big, inside there is a cafe, shop, cinema, and disco. At night Dona and Louis go together, Dona hopes to see him again. Inside many people, eat, drink, and dance. Dona and Louis sit while eating and drinking. She saw a man with blue eyes again, he was together with his friend. He looked around, saw people eating and dancing. Suddenly he saw Dona and approached him. "Hi ... do you want to dance with me?" he said. Dona stood up and danced with him. after a few minutes later, there was a man similar to a man who was dancing with him. Dona feels that who is dancing with her is his brother. The man who was standing at the door he felt was the man he meant. The man at the door immediately left, Dona told Louis to dance with them, while Dona chased the man who had left earlier. But he did not succeed in chasing him.

The next day, Dona walked on the boat, hoping to meet the man again. "Where are you? I want to see you again." She tought. 

The continuation of the story is "Mark's Story" continue to follow the sequel ...:)


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